ECC Experiments
Information about experiments associated with Earth Current Communications.
Scale Model Tests
The purpose of tests with scale models (in a small wash basin) is to confirm some basic principles. By using scale models configurations can be changed rapidly. Also tests can be made with good repeatability as there is more control over the test conditions.
To avoid confusion the term "probe spacing" refers to the spacing between the two individual rods of a probe pair, while "distance" or "range" refers to the distance between probe pairs (i.e., the communication path).
The Scale Model Results
The tests will be added below as they are completed and have a link to the PDF file (left-click to preview; right-click to save):-
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Using Netscape Navigator: hold "Shift Key" down and click on link.
Using Internet Explorer: click right mouse button on link and select "Save Target As" option.
- Investigate Assertion that Apparent Resistance remains Constant
with Probe Spacing (tap water medium) [PDF - 24Kbytes]
- Second Investigation into Apparent Resistance versus Probe Spacing
(tap water medium and putty knives) [PDF -
- Investigate Probe Array Configurations (tap water medium and
putty knives) [PDF - 111Kbytes]
- Preliminary Field Probe Array Configuration Measurements (backyard
soil medium) [PDF - 325Kbytes]