Mantel Radios...
My first broadcast band mantel radio restoration project.
I bought a little AIRZONE brand mantel radio for my first foray into vintage radio restoration. It was for sale at a 'trash-and-treasure' day at my radio club for a reasonable price. The for sale details correctly identified it as an AIRZONE Cub - vintage circa 1945. It is a 4-valve radio with the following line-up: 6G8G, 6A8G, 6X5G and 6V6G as shown below.

It is identical to the one in the picture at the very bottom of this page except it is in a brown bakelite colour and the 'AIRZONE' badge (sticker ?) is missing from between the two knobs.

At least it is positively identified by the markings on the box in the picture at the very bottom of this page.

I now have a schematic of the radio (thanks Graham...) so it should a straight-forward exercise to determine what components need re-furbishing. I hope to restore it to working condition and look forward to it taking pride of place on a mantel shelf in my shack happily once again playing tunes from that golden oldie station - 2CH 1170kHz here in Sydney.