General Radio
A number of projects - past and present - associated with radio, software programming or electronics. In rough order of most recent.
- Using a Raspberry Pi as
a Radio Transmitter: Details of a number of projects using a
Raspberry Pi to directly generate radio signals for various digital
modes (WSPR-2, WSPR-15, JASON) on 630M.
- T-Antenna for
the 630M Band.: Details of
a centre-loaded T-antenna (no top-loading wires) for 475 kHz.
- QRPp 1W Power Amplifier.:
Details of a small 1W PA using little plastic TO-92 transistors.
- 0-500 kHz Linear Exciter.: Linear driver based around a defunct FT-840 transceiver.
Various subjects - all radio related.
- MFJ-1786X Magnetic Loop
Antenna:: Commercially available small magnetic loop for the
HF bands.
- Rubidium Frequency
Standards: Details of testing
done on 4 Rb Frequency Standards sourced from eBay.
- iPod Frequency Accuracy and
Stability: Details of testing done to determine if an iPod is
sufficiently stable/accurate to be used as a sound source for digital
- Crystal Sets:
Sets I have. Some of which are in the process of restoration.
- Boat Anchors:
No - not the maritime variety, but instead old transceivers or receivers
- usually very heavy and containing thermionic valves (tubes).
- Mantel Radio: My first broadcast band mantel radio restoration project.